Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Stabbing, Speeding, Spam Clicking and Shooting. Gaming so far in 2012

So Mass Effect 3 has a release date.

I really should get on with that save plan I wanted to do.. I think I'm about to meet the Council for the first time in ME1... so I've not THAT far to go (oh who am I kidding?)

Reason I haven't been touching it recently is work, I upped my shifts after the new year and it's kicked the shite out of me, so I'm backing down and taking it easy for a while. Which will mean more time for gaming (yay!)

Recently I've been playing through Assassin's Creed, after completing the first game (by that I mean the storyline, because bollocks to hunting all those flags) I'm what I'm guessing is halfway through 2. For those who haven't played Assassin's Creed, the second game is huge. The first game felt pretty big but this is stunning, with so many side quests and mini plot stories to fill in the background there's days of content here.

It's not Skyrim big, but then again few things are.

Other than that I picked up Sonic Generations for the 3DS over the New Year, as a fan of the classic Mega Drive (that's Sega Genesis for you US types.) I've been curious to see what the new Generation Sonic fuss is about. I had Sonic 3D for the MD but utterly hated it, and never touched any subsequent Sonic titles, except for a 2d game they did for the GBA a few years back (I forgot I even had that until I just wrote this... I must have the cartridge somewhere!)

For those who haven't played it, or looked into it, they've taken a level from every major Sonic game (though they've mixed 3 and Knuckles together, those devious bastards! I wanted my Angel Island zone) and split it over 2 stages. The first is a classic 2D layout, even of the newer games, the second is the more up to date 3D style gameplay. Yes a 3D version of Green Hill, it takes some getting use to if you've never done the newer games.

However what I don't like is after a while, they're throwing new Sonic's moves into old Sonic's abilities, that just confused the hell out of me. I'll also say for the record, this game is HARD. I picked up Super Mario 3DS in November and bar a couple of the Bowser fights that game was pretty easy, this has had Game Over screens popping up more times than I can grind my teeth in frustration. I haven't had a single player challenge this good since Ikaruga.

Which reminds me, I should play that again...

Other than that I've been playing Rise of Immortals (yes I know I know Myrhial, I should just download LoL..) and spending some time in EVE, recently getting the opportunity to run with one of the elite private networks when it comes to Incursions. However that's a completely whole separate post in itself, and something for another time.

Apologies if this seems more like a diary feel than an actual blog on something relevant, I've been dry for topic ideas for a while. Suggestions welcome.


1 comment:

  1. Mass Effect 3! Are we there yet!? /repeats x 1000 in the style of a 5 year old...

    I can't wait dude. I've meta'd and modded Skyrim so heavily I'm losing touch (reality? pshaw). A new game would do us all some good :)
